What to Consider When Looking For a Tutor

What you need to think about when you look for a tutor

The benefits of hiring a tutor are numerous, not only will they impart knowledge but will also help their students to grow in confidence and skills. Good tutors look to motivate and encourage alongside teaching.

A tutor can provide focused attention that even the most expensive private school cannot offer due to class sizes. They can tailor content to top up their student’s existent knowledge and will chop and change their style to suit them.

But before you look to employ a tutor, for yourself or a loved one, you need to consider a few things to ensure the situation is as advantageous to both parties as possible.

How much time to dedicate

First you need to decide how often you will see the tutor. You do not want to overload the student, but you also need enough time in order to grasp the concepts.

Many people opt to hire a tutor to come two to three times a week. This way, the student has their own time where they can independently review course content and still has the extra guidance they need.

Are you prepared to be involved?

Education does not stop once the tutor leaves. If your child is struggling with a certain topic then you need to be prepared to dedicate additional time to helping them as much as you can.

You also need to be involved in order to monitor your child’s progress. It is all well and good hiring a tutor, but if it is not benefitting your child in the way you had hoped then something needs to be changed.

What will your tutor specifications be?

As it is not a requirement to have a teaching degree to work as a tutor, you need to think whether you would prefer someone with this qualification or would be happy taking someone solely based on their experience.

There are so many positive attributes that are gained as part of a PGCE. But they are not the only indicators of a good tutor. Natural skills and a passion for education are what make the difference. If they are, at root, a good person who has a desire to better and encourage others then chances are they will be a great tutor.

You need to ask yourself who your child will do best with as well. Would they prefer a quieter and patient tutor or a confident, loud and gregarious character?

Questions you need to ask a tutor

The Good Schools Guide outlines that you should ask any potential tutor a number of questions to gather information on their experience, expectations, teaching style and accreditations.

So, when looking for a tutor, be prepared to ask questions like: